You've been having the most marvelous travel time and what beautiful sites you are sharing with us. I love the canals in town. (I always thought it would be great to live on one till a friend did and found that they aren't always the best!) We saw Oppenheimer yesterday on my birthday and I loved it and was moved by it. The combination of power play, grudges, and yet what that accomplishment did then -- and how it reverberates now was startling. I agree that the performances were outstanding. I see Oscar nominations written all over this one.

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I agree totally. Happy Birthday!

It is a great film, and I am sure it will earn many Oscars.

The only thing I could say is, that I am a little bit biased to the fact that they glorify the atom bomb by filming it so beautifully. That is movies for you I guess.

I also had a dream of living on a boat. I can imagine, now with age, that it can be rather damp and not always good.

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Would you believe that I've never been to Lüneburg? But it's on our list since everyone just raves about it. Apparently, there is a popular German soap taking place there, though I've never watched it, not my style. (Rote Rosen) But it has enhanced the interest in the city.

Oppenheimer sounds interesting. I'd certainly prefer it to the other movie that everyone seems to watch at the moment.

I wish you smooth travelling.

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Well, it is always like that. You look so much further afield than your neighbourhood when you go travelling. It is a really nice city, so can highly recommend it.

Oppenheimer was great, felt slightly too long, but fantastic acting and visualisation. I am thinking of going to see Barbie, but I don't think I can persuade Martin to come with me.

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Well, this wasn't our neighbourhood for over forty years and there were a lot of other things since we arrived here, including Corona. But we will visit one day.

I doubt that Charly will want to see Barbie either. LOL And I don't want to watch any dubbed versions, so we'll probably wait until it's available on DVD.

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It will be a nice excursion.

I cannot watch dubbed versions either, but was lucky to find an original version. However, when you are used to subtitles like war are in Sweden it is sometimes difficult to hear what they say, even if you understand the language. So clear when you have subtitles.

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That's another reason why I love to watch the films on DVD, I can watch the original version AND have subtitles. I always watch with subtitles, when I have the opportunity.

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This post brings back a lot of good memories when I as a young woman worked in Bevensen, not far from Luneburg. Thank you!

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All the places you have been. Var tvungen slå upp staden. Inte långt från Lüneburg. Mycket fint område. Vad gjorde du i Bevensen?

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