Dec 12, 2023Liked by The Content Reader

That is a lovely quote. I used to write lots of letters. Nowadays, I often send them out by e-mail, however, I still love sending cards, as you might know.

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Yes, I really love those quotes. I used to write a lot of letters to, especially since I was living abroad and had a lot of things to tell. I know you like to write letters, which is lovely. Thank you for the lovely Christmas card and letter I received. So far no Christmas cards from me, but I still hope to have time to make some.

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by The Content Reader

I didn't live abroad but in the middle of nowhere and often felt more connected to my pen pals than to real life people.

Have your read <a href="Foreign Correspondence: A Pen Pal's Journey from Down Under to All Over</a>" by Geraldine Brooks?


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I think you are right. I feel this connection with my blogging friends, and it is a nice feeling.

I have not read Brooks book, but will look for it. Sounds interesting.

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by The Content Reader

We all have the same interest, reading. Even if we have other preferences, there is already a connection there. My best friends all love reading.

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Reading is a wonderful bridge to get to know people.

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