This is interesting, Lisbeth. I've not yet used on-siite cloud/web services when traveling abroad but next time I go I will have the right phone and will do that. I know I must have a lot up on the cloud but I have no idea how to get most of it!
I think that is something we all face Jeanie. I have an app where I keep all my documents, Dropbox, and I always work from there. It is an understandable way. I am totally confused with iCloud, and can never really figure out how it works.
Jag bläddrade också i Galore weekend. Finns en del intressant. Konesiska miren buyer kag ut mot Sydney operahouse. I övrogt har vi sett detsamma. Glad påsk 🐣
Ja, mycket att läsa denna gång. Den långa intervjun var säkert också intressant, brukar vara det, men jag har inte orkat än. Kanske senare. Har du läst den om Fredrik Kamp Schlyter?
This is interesting, Lisbeth. I've not yet used on-siite cloud/web services when traveling abroad but next time I go I will have the right phone and will do that. I know I must have a lot up on the cloud but I have no idea how to get most of it!
I think that is something we all face Jeanie. I have an app where I keep all my documents, Dropbox, and I always work from there. It is an understandable way. I am totally confused with iCloud, and can never really figure out how it works.
Jag bläddrade också i Galore weekend. Finns en del intressant. Konesiska miren buyer kag ut mot Sydney operahouse. I övrogt har vi sett detsamma. Glad påsk 🐣
Ja, mycket att läsa denna gång. Den långa intervjun var säkert också intressant, brukar vara det, men jag har inte orkat än. Kanske senare. Har du läst den om Fredrik Kamp Schlyter?
Glad påsk.